Monday, November 22, 2010

Giving Thanks, Again

Nothing like a holiday called Thanks-giving to remind us to stop and give thanks for all that is good in our lives. What good, you say? Look closely and you’ll find it in unexpected places. It’s in the twinkle of a giggling child’s eyes. It’s in the warm hug of someone you love when you walk through the door after a tough day. It’s in a moment of sincere understanding. It’s even in the vending machine when you push the button for one candy bar, but two fall out- score! Like a trail of bread crumbs through the dark forest of life, these small moments of gratitude lead us to better and brighter days ahead. So once again, I’d like to share some of the small moments throughout the year that cause me to pause and give thanks for the simple pleasures of life.

A good night’s sleep. The smell of freshly washed sheets. Flannel sheets. The sound of rain on the window at night. People who don’t rain on my parade. Discussing whether dogs can really smile or not. Smiling dogs. The first summer hot dog cooked outside on the grill. Cool sunglasses and a beautiful sunny day to wear them on. The light at the end of the tunnel, being that light for someone else.

A shoulder to lean on, lending a helping hand. Realizing how far we’ve come. Letting go. Poems. Justice. Poetic justice. Laughing so hard my stomach hurts. Not catching the stomach bug that plagued the rest of the office. People who say "Bless You" when you sneeze. Counting your blessings. Kids who leave sand castles and snow angels behind. The feeling of warm sand between your toes. Angels, on earth and in Heaven.

DVR and not having to miss my favorite TV shows. The luxury of doing nothing for an afternoon. Curling up on the couch with a comfortable throw blanket. Comfortable silence. Silencing doubters. Working up a sweat. Not sweating the small stuff. Small miracles.

A flattering driver’s license photo. A dependable car. Seeing a speeding car whiz past you then seeing it pulled over by police a mile later. Taking the high road, getting the low down. The road less traveled. Making a difference. Knowing the difference between right and wrong. Admitting you were wrong. Not rubbing it in when you were right. Listening to talk radio on my way home from work. Disagreeing with the talk show host. Living in a country where we can openly disagree. Strawberry shortcake with a biscuit and extra whipped cream.

Being pleasantly surprised, pulling off a surprise. Earning extra bucks on my rewards card. Discovering an item you thought you were splurging on is on sale. Turning in a $5 lottery ticket and winning $10 on the next one. Winning sports teams. Team efforts. Good sports. Good times with friends. Good timing. Friends who help you move- literally and figuratively. Moving on, moving up. The perfect haircut. Friends who like your haircut even when it’s not perfect. Not having to be perfect all the time. A card that expresses the perfect sentiment. Being sentimental. Cheese.

Kids who dance for no reason. Babies with their whole future in front of them; seniors with proud history behind them. Kettle corn at the fair. Being treated fairly. Treating the stranger behind you to a cup of coffee. Doug’s famous coffee. Being a regular at your favorite restaurant. Being adventurous enough to try a new restaurant. Crispy bacon.

New sneakers, and running in them. Being able to run. Not running away from a challenge. Challenging myself. Setting a difficult goal. Achieving it. Qualifying for the Boston Marathon. A long downhill after a steep uphill. A hot steam after a cold run. The cold ocean after a hot run. GPS. Knowing where you are going. Getting lost along the way and ending up someplace even better.

Looking forward to another year of things to be thankful for.
Another year.
Being thankful.

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